Seewald Solutions. We begin where others give up.OCZ Neural...
We begin where others give up.
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What inspires us?
Who trusts us?
What we can do for you
What we can do for you
Innovative products
Magic Mirror - Augmented Reality for trade fairs and shopping windows
deFlicker for Ultramotion and Highspeed Cameras
Universal Remote - Kinect for Windows
Webbased Applications
Billy Shopping Platform
Reference management tool
Staff utilization planning
Fire Alarm Administration System
Project cockpit
Electronic Site Diary
Online questionnaire system
Legacy system data transfer
Alfresco WCMS to Drupal 7 upgrade
Customer data import for CRM
Guarantee management
Apps for Android/iPhone
Money Maker 10 EUR
Wooden Easter Ratchet
Color Blindness Correction and Simulator
Poor Man's Gold Pocket Watch
Best Moves - Dancing Guide
Characteristics of users
Workplace Optimization
License tool for AutoCAD and Auer Success
Clipboard Dialer
PDF Integration
Automated selection of customer data for mailings
Contract research
Recognition of magazine pages
Eye tracking using low-cost USB and mobile phone cameras
Deflickering for high-speed HDTV video in realtime (deFlicker)
Automated Score Tuning for SpamAssassin
All demo videos
Who trusts us?
Awards & Patents
Nominated for the Austria BlockChain Award in the category research
Best poster award at the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021)
Keynote "Methods for Minimizing and Understanding E-Commerce Returns" at the ASAPI 2019 conference
Excellent supervision at Talente Internships for pupils 2018
Best Poster at the third Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology of the Medical University of Vienna
Meta structures in tissue - Austrian Patent AT 510329 (A1)
Theodor-Körner Award 2012
Best Poster at the second Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology of the Medical University of Vienna
Best Poster (Session 17), PhD symposia of the Young Scientist Association of the Medical University Vienna, 2011
Science2business 3rd place / recognition award, 2011
Nomination for the Dr. Wolfgang Houska Award 2011
One of the most downloaded articles in Q4/2009
Prof. Dr. Werner Dilger Award
Bacon Gebäudetechnik GmbH & Co KG, Austria
ELIN quadrat GmbH, Austria
e-value GmbH, Austria
sib Ingenieure GmbH, Germany
EBG GmbH & Co KG, Austria
ELIN, Austria
Castolin GmbH, Austria
Attribui GmbH, Graz, Austria
Austrian National Bank (Österreichische Nationalbank, ÖNB), Austria
yVerkehrsplanung GmbH, Graz, Austria
Danube University Krems, Austria
Grüne Erde GmbH, Scharnstein, Austria
Welios Betriebs-GmbH, Austria
Welios Betriebs-GmbH, Austria
Oberbank Wels, Austria
MasterCard Europe, Austria
IGO Immobilien GmbH, Austria
spiessberger-partner gmbh, Austria
Habilitás Kft., KERKOM Divízió, Hungary
netzfrequenz software GmbH, Austria
Q-Free ASA, Norway
E&F Computerservice / IT-DATA24, Germany
LeisureWorkGroup GmbH, Germany
RIKE Solutions, United States of America
Center Congressi Srl, Italy
AREA-NET GmbH, Germany
fAm Kommunikation, Austria
Tangent 90 Ltd, United Kingdom
Department of Computer Integrated Design, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
it’s YOU, Austria
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCR), Basic Sciences - Brent Lab
Jürgen Sleegers, Germany
Live Motion Concept, Germany
MdS Network, Austria
Erste Group Bank (Strategic Risk Management Group), Austria
Pro.Karriere / epiqo, Austria
MEDIA24 - New Media Services, Austria
eye square, Germany
GE Money Bank, Austria
Tissue Gnostics, Austria
VIA3 Communications, Austria
Deloitte & Touche, Austria
Radio Krejcik, Austria
Out There Media, Austria and Greece
Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
What inspires us?
ToyCollect - A mobile robot which collects toys from unaccessible places
Control software (compatible with all ToyCollect robots)
ToyCollect V1.21 (R2X) robot - Building instructions
ToyCollect V1.1, V1.3 (K3D) robot - Building instructions
ToyCollect V1.0 robot - Building instructions and software
Augmented Reality (AR)
Intelligent Go Board
Software Autofocus for UVC cameras under Linux
OCZ Neural Impulse Actuator - Linux Driver
Handwritten Digit Recognition
How to bluetooth-enable your remote car
Mobile Robot Toy Cat
Simpson's Paradox
Green eCommerce
Cycle4Value - Development of a blockchain-based reward system to force cycling
Think!First - Online ordering system to force sustainable goods mobility via user-centric approach
Analyzing C. elegans GFP images
Holistic Pattern Recognition
Early-Warning System for Botnets
Text Mining in biological research literature (BioMinT)
Future Media (2023/07/18-19)
Future Media (2022/07/21-22)
MAD | AI 2021 Invited Keynote: Analyzing the Game Mechanics of GoPop!™: How the most likely path to win is not always the best one.
FROG 2021: Ten Years of Magic Mirror: I and my Avatar
Future Media (2020/04/17)
Future Media (2020/04/01)
MAD | AI 2020 Invited Keynote: A Short Illustrated Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence.
Future Media (2020/04/09)
Future Media (2019/07/14-15)
Future Media (2018/07/11-12)
Future Media (2018/04/07-08)
Future Media (2018/03/28-29)
Keynote speech "Artificial Intelligence"
Future Media (2017/07/19-20)
Future Media (2017/04/21-22)
Future Media (2017/04/12-13)
Toy Collect: An Open Source Robotic Platform for Education
Future Media (2016/07/13-14)
Future Media (2016/03/23-24)
Four day seminar on development for Android & iPhone
Image Data Analysis in H. Sapiens and C. Elegans
Automated Characterization of Osteoclasts via Image Processing Methods
Digital imaging techniques to support medical research and cell diagnostics
Image Data Analysis in H.sapiens and C.elegans
Image analysis and high-content screening
Image Data Analysis in H.sapiens and C.elegans
Artificial Intelligence Crash Course
ScienceDabei 2011 Talk and Video
Image Acquisition using Microscopes
Image Data Analysis in H.sapiens and C.elegans
Open Source Application examples in research and applications
Intelligent Biomedical Data Analysis
Computer Vision Workshop using OpenCV
Computer Vision Crash-Course
Innovative Applications of Open Source
Open Source Data Mining with WEKA
Open Source Data Mining with WEKA/Pentaho
Detection and Identification of BotNets
Challenges for Machine Learning and Data Mining in Predictive Behavioral Targeting
Open Source Data Mining mit WEKA
Success Stories in Intelligent Biomedical Data Analysis
Artificial Intelligence Basics (09.05.2007)
Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Intelligent Go Board project - Idea Generation Workshop
Internship Support Lecture (Winter term 2005)
Artificial Intelligence Basics (14.06.2004)
Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications
Artificial Intelligence Methods of Data Analysis (Summer term 2004)
Artificial Intelligence Basics (09.12.2003)
Machine Learning and Data Mining (Winter term 2004)
Functional Programming in LISP (Winter term 2004)
Computer Go and Ensembles
Functional Programming in LISP (Winter term 2002)
Tutor for Prolog and logic-oriented programming (Winter term 1997)
Climate-Friendly Online Shopping Within the Green eCommerce Project: A Fitting Tool to Determine T-Shirt Sizes Using Active Depth Sensing
Green eCommerce
Evaluating Two Ways for Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance with Stereo Cameras: Stereo View Algorithms and End-to-End Trained Disparity-sensitive Networks
Magic Mirror: I and My Avatar - A Versatile Augmented Reality Installation Controlled by Hand Gestures
A Criticism of the Technological Singularity
Cycle4Value: A Token-based Incentive System to Promote Cycling
Dancing Guide: Near Realtime Audio Classification of Live Dance Music on Smartphones
Cycle4Value: A Blockchain-based Reward System to Promote Cycling and Reduce CO2 Footprint
Revisiting End-to-End Deep Learning for Obstacle Avoidance: Replication and Open Issues
Think! First: Inducing Behavioural Change Through Gamification, Persuasive Design Principles and Machine Learning
Methods for Minimizing and Understanding E-Commerce Returns
Towards Minimizing e-Commerce Returns for Clothing
Minimizing returns through gamification, persuasive design principles & machine learning
Quantitative Image Analysis of Epithelial and Stromal Area in Histological Sections of Colorectal Cancer: An Emerging Diagnostic Tool
Automated REcognition of tissue-associated erythrocytes (ARETE)—a new tool in tissue cytometry
Towards automated detection of erythrocytes in tissue to reduce autofluorescence
Automated REcognition of Tissue-associated Erythrocytes (ARETE) - a new tool in tissue-cytometry
Automated REcognition of Tissue-associated Erythrocytes (ARETE) - a new tool in tissue-cytometry
A Novel Nucleus-Based Classifier for Discrimination of Osteoclasts and Mesenchymal Precursor Cells in Mouse Bone Marrow Cultures
Automatic analysis of tumor budding in colorectal cancer specimens
Expression Level of the Receptor for Advanced Glycated End Products (RAGE) in the Syncytiotrophoblast correlates with the Severity of Per-Eclampsia as demonstrated by a novel Method for automated in-situ Quantifications of Proteins
On the Brittleness of Handwritten Digit Recognition Models
Automated quantitative analysis of epithelial and stromal area in colorectal cancer: putative application for the prognosis of cancer progression
Towards the automated detection and characterization of osteoclasts in microscopic images
Automated Detection And Quantification Of Osteoclasts In Culture By A Novel Image Analysis System - A Pilot Study On The Influence Of The Hormone Melatonin On Osteoclast Formation
Is Intra-tumoral Budding Correlated With Liver Metastasis In Patients With Grade 2 Colorectal Cancer? A Pilot Study
Epithelium/Stroma Ratio In Colorectal Cancer: Automated Area Detection and Quantitative Analysis
Automated Nuclei-based In Silico Discrimination of Murine Osteoclasts and their Precursor Cells
A versatile Automated Detection System for Erythrocytes in Human Tissue Sections
The neonatal IgG Fc-receptor (FcRn) is expressed in the syncytiotrophoblast, fetal endothelial cells and Hofbauer cells of human term placental chorionic villi
The neonatal IgG Fc-receptor (FcRn) is expressed in the syncytiotrophoblast, fetal endothelial cells and Hofbauer cells of human term placental chorionic villi
The relation between epithelial and stromal area is important for colorectal cancer diagnosis and therapeutic considerations
Automated detection, quantification and characterization of osteoclasts in cultures using a combined image-processing and machine learning strategy
Influences of melatonin on murine osteoclast formation in culture - automated detection and quantification by a novel image analysis system
Towards an Automated Detection of Osteoclasts in Cultures Using a Combined Image-processing and Machine-learning Strategy
Influences on murine osteoclast formation and their automated detection by a novel image analysis software
A novel method for automated quantification of osteoclasts in culture - Advantages, workflow and application
Towards an automated evaluation system of osteoclasts in cultures using a combine Image-processing and machine-learning strategy
A New Approach for Outlier Detection in Near Real Time
Towards a Versatile Automated Cell-Detection System for Science and Diagnostics
Automated detection and analysis of fluorescent biomarkers in human placental chorionic tissue
Automatic Extraction of Go Game Positions from Still Images: A Multi-Strategical Approach to Constrained Multi-Object Recognition
Characterization and quantification of macrophages in colorectal cancer by an automated cell system
Automated evaluation of Tumor-Associated Macrophage (TAM) local density in Colorectal Cancer by an Automated Cell Detection System
Towards a Versatile Automated Cell-Detection System for Science and Diagnostics exemplified through receptor for advanced glycated end-products (RAGE) quantification in placental chorionic villi
Quantifying Phenotypic Variation in Isogenic Caenorhabditis elegans Expressing Phsp-16
On the Detection and Identification of Botnets
Automated cell-detection technologies for science and diagnostics
Automated cell-detection technologies for science and diagnostics
On the Brittleness of Handwritten Digit Recognition Models
Towards Automating Malware Classification and Characterization
An Approximation of the String Subsequence Kernel for Practical SVM Classification and Redundancy Clustering
Present and Future of Spam
An Evaluation of Naive Bayes Variants in Content-Based Learning for Spam Filtering
Improving the Effectiveness of Mailings by Building a Response Model for Inactive Customers
Evaluation of Term Utility Functions for Very Short Multi-Document Summaries
BioMinT: the Research Assistant for Biological Text Mining
GPSDB: a new database for synonyms expansion of gene and protein names
An Evaluation of Naive Bayes Variants in Content-Based Learning for Spam Filtering
Lambda Pruning - An Approximation of the String Subsequence Kernel
Digits - A Dataset for Handwritten Digit Recognition
A Close Look at Current Approaches in Spam Filtering
Ranking for Medical Annotation: Investigating Performance, Local Search and Homonymy Recognition
Combining Bayesian and Rule Score Learning: Automated Tuning for SpamAssassin
Recognizing Domain and Species from MEDLINE Proteomics Publications
Evaluating Protein Name Recognition: An Automatic Approach
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Ensemble Classification
Towards Understanding Stacking
The Intelligent Go Board project
Exploring the Parameter State Space of Stacking
Meta-Learning for Stacked Classification
How to Make Stacking Better and Faster While Also Taking Care of an Unknown Weakness
Offline Evaluation of Term Utility Functions
An Evaluation of Grading Classifiers
Hybrid Decision Tree Learners with Alternative Leaf Classifiers: An Empirical Study
Entertainment Robots - Myth Or Reality
CoIL Challenge 2000 - Submitted Solution
A Mobile Robot Toy Cat Controlled by Vision And Motivation
Open Scientific Internship (Information only in German)
How to contact
About Seewald Solutions
Legal disclosure
Information declaration obligation / Privacy policy
Cycle4Value: A Blockchain-based Reward System to Promote Cycling and Reduce CO2 Footprint. Seewald, AK, Ghete M, Wernbacher T, Platzer M, Schneider J, Hofer D, Pfeiffer A. Cycle4Value: A Blockchain-based Reward System to Promote Cycling and Reduce CO2 Footprint. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021), Online Streaming.
Poor Man's Gold Pocket Watch. This pocket watch simply shows the time. No bells, no whistles, no ticking.Based on the photograph of a one-handed pocket watch created by Breguet et fils, Paris, 1810, this small app shows the time.Available for AndroidTM from 2.1
Fire Alarm Administration System. The fire alarm administration system generates the necessary documentation for a fire alarm system (operator group directory, StGV 1 and 2, TRVB forms) directly from the operational configuration files of the fire detection center. The used alarm must be configured once. Planner numbers can be stored per detector and special detectors can be directly added or modified. Minor changes can also be made directly...
Holistic Pattern Recognition. Within this three-year FFG Bridge7 project we developed and researched intelligent image processing algorithms to analyse human tissue (placenta, colon and bone) using computer-supported slide-based microscopy. Partners in this project are Medical University of Vienna and TissueGnostics GmbH.
deFlicker for Ultramotion and Highspeed Cameras. Flicker is ubiquituous in night recordings with high speed cameras. This is due to widely installed lighting systems in sport arenas which flicker at high frequency. Normal camera recordings up to about 100 fps do not flicker, but at higher frame rates the effect is very visible. Based on long year research since 2008 we have developed the first commercially available deFlicker system, which is...
ToyCollect V1.1, V1.3 (K3D) robot - Building instructions. If you want to build a V1.1 robot, remove Kùla Bebe and its mount and add a Sumo Blade. Here is all the information so you can build yourself a ToyCollect V1.1 or V1.3 (K3D) robot. Hardware First you need to go shopping. We will need: 1x Zumo chassis kit (#1418) 2x 100:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP (#1101) Only for V1.1: 1x Basic Sumo Blade for Zumo Chassis (#1410) 1x Pololu...
Early-Warning System for Botnets. This project was initiated by Dr. Alexander K. Seewald and was conducted at the Research Lab Computational Technologies and Applications of the faculty for computer science of the University of Vienna under the leadership of Dr. Wilfried Gansterer. Previous research initiatives are focussed on the recognition and defense against unwanted or potentially harmful E-Mail messages (for simplification purposes named...
Customer data import for CRM. Based on adress stickers, many excel files, creditor and debitor main data from SAP, and a Microsoft Acess database, we extracted customer data, and afterwards integrated and deduplicated them. All names were normalized and prefixed / postfixed titles were removed and stored in separate tables. Street names were normalized by syntactic rules. The differentiation of given and fore name, and the determination of...
Automated selection of customer data for mailings. In a longterm cooperation with GE Money Bank Austria (now Santander Consumer Bank) we designed, implemented and constantly improved a system written in SAS for the automatic selection of customer data for postal mailings. Legacy data in the form of more than 300 manually created Excel files with customer data of last five years mailings - with different fields, field names and field contents -...
Mobile Robot Toy Cat. In 1998/1999, we built a mobile robot toy cat based on the EyeBot-board and LEGO. While it was much fun and sometimes enlightening, ultimately we were sorely disappointed with the State-of-the-Art and now take only a cursory interest in this field. A short story to illustrate shortcomings of robotics technology: I had the pleasure to be one of the many spectators of RoboCup '99 in Stockholm which featured a Sony...
Deflickering for high-speed HDTV video in realtime (deFlicker). We have built a prototype which removes flicker from high-speed HDTV camera recordings in real-time for the German company LiveMotionConcept. This complex flicker pattern is caused by brightness fluctuations in one type of widely used lighting sources. Ours is the first and only solution to this problem which does not involve replacing every single lighting source with properly...
Software Autofocus for UVC cameras under Linux. We have created a stand-alone autofocus application for Logitech USB cameras with proprietary motor focus extension. This application will allow you to automatically set the appropriate focus for a given scene in a few seconds. The underlying focus-from-image estimation has been integrated into guvcview, and beats all published approaches (according to our tests and to feedback from its...